HomeOwners & Investors • r/RealEstate

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Redditors sharing home ownership knowledge, real estate market knowledge, mortgage/lending and property investment expertise.

  • Real Estate is Location Based. Please indicate the location in the thread title, for example: [Can], [CA], [Tx], [NYC], [Boston], [AK], [AU], or similar. Or set your flair to indicate your location – users can set their own flair in this sub.

  • Articles are permitted when they foster relevant discussion, or involve some sort of question (please link to original sources) Please note links posted are automatically filtered and will need to be approved manually, message the mods if this happens to you.

  • No blog posts, circlejerking, and karmawhoring posts here.


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Buying your first house? Choosing a real estate agent? Looking for a Realtor? (DYK Realtors pay annual fees of $600.00 for the distinction of having the trademarked propernoun attached to themselves?) A full time investor? Buying your first duplex? Buying a Short Sale or an REO or Foreclosure? This is the spot for first timers, secondtimers, landlords, rehabbers, flippers, and buy-and-holders.

We believe if redditors owned all the property, the world would be a better place.

Pitching your specific properties for sale is frowned upon (i.e. downvoted.)

  • No soliciting or advertising – no links to blogs or youtube channels or social media. Please report folks who are doing this so we can remove their posts. Solicitors and advertisers will also be banned.

Is It Cheaper to Rent or Buy?

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Investment Property Formulas to Familiarize Yourself With:

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